Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Stuff The Media Wants You to Think About the Libby Trial That Really Isn't True

It’s probably a little ridiculous to have to state this, but after reading the deplorable 'coverage' (which constitutes ripping a story off the AP wire that reads more like an opinion piece) by the Springfield Republican regarding this story, some things need to be pointed out.

The only thing this story means is that in the eyes of the jury, he lied about what he told prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald.

It does not mean:
1. That one iota of intelligence was in any way manipulated in the run up to Iraq.
2. That Joe Wilson has been vindicated in any way.
3. That Valerie Plame was "covert". She was an analyst.
4. That the Bush White House had anything to worry about from Wilson/Plame.

Don't be fooled by all the spin-sters attempting to turn this into the Watergate of the Bush era. It's not.

And everyone knows it...

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