Am I Stupid For Even Wondering?
I really am dissapointed in myself that I even bother to wonder why the Republican Party has proven itself totally incompetent in recent weeks should look nor further than a story that was (astonishingly) buried in the back page of the Springfield Republican's Local section today.
The Story was entitled "6 Patrick Staffers earn $100,000" or more. The story is the latest in a series of news stories that show how incredibly incompetent and inept our sitting Governor is, and how his spending habbits are completely and utterly out of control. Here's a run down of the fun:
--Chief of Staff to the Governor's Education advisor makes $90,000
--Deputy Chief of Staff Brendan Ryan earns $95,000
--David Simas is another Deputy Chief of Staff (I guess you can't have too many of those) and he's making $100,000 as well.
--Deputy chief legal counsel Michael Pineault makes $100,000
Everyone's on the dole big time in the Governor's office. If you were to add all this up (there's TONS more), we'd be getting into the million and a half range in terms of salary per year. Between the curtains, pod casts, Cadillacs and other things, it's pretty obvious this governor needs to have some folks at least attempt to keep him in check.
............or not so much.
"I Really can't criticize him on that" said Senate Minority Leader Richard Tisei, who is a Republican. "The Governor is the CEO of a $26 billion entity, and he needs top quality people in positions like chief of staff and legal counsel. If this were a similar sized company in the private sector, these salaries would be considered low," He concluded.
That's a bunch of crap. Plain and simple. The difference between a company and the government is that I forcibly have to pay my money into the government. It's all about the power of coercian. When people get into public administration they usually go into it knowing they're not going to get the kind of compensation you can get in the private sector. We've stuffed the fat cats' pockets for so long in this state, it's now becoming and accepted thing and even Republicans are condoning it. Everyone's in it to make a buck apparently.
We've got tons of people running around talking about getting up and making something out of the Republican Party in this state, but it's impossible to do without, you know, showing people that we're different from the Democrats. Man is truly not a creature of circumstance.