I read this at GOPnews.
This weekend brought more polarization of illegal immigrants and the mainstream population. In New Bedford, a pro illegal immigrant rally came close to violence when a disabled navy veteran named Marjorie Blaha demanded to be heard regarding her opinion of illegal immigrants. After being forcibly removed from the rally Marjorie stated "I'm just angry that an American citizen has to follow the laws but those who illegally came into this country are given ... rights," she said. Police Spokesman, Captain Richard Spirlet commented that she was removed for her own safety as many illegal immigrant supporters began to gather around her. Read the story here.
Elsewhere, the Anti-Defamation League of Massachusetts announced that they were going to support illegal immigrants in the future because those who oppose their presence are “bigots”. "We fight against bigotry in all forms," Andrew Tarsy, regional director of the ADL of New England, commented. "It has become clear both in the extremist world and even in the mainstream that the conversation about immigrants is laced with bigotry." Tarsy later stated that the up-tick in the anti immigrant speech and activity would find its roots in groups such as the Ku Klux Klan. Read the story here.
So this is what Massachusetts has become – A place where brave disabled navy veterans who speak out against illegal immigrants are forced out of rallies and told to shut up. And, a place where groups like the Anti Defamation League drop you in the same category as the KKK if you have an opinion opposed to theirs regarding illegal immigrants. Are we just going to sit back and do nothing about this? If the Massachusetts Republican Party can’t win points and votes with the cards these radical liberals are playing then shame on us. Navy veteran Marjorie Blaha should be made a martyr, like Cindy Sheehan, for the cause of getting rid of illegal immigrants. When a disabled woman veteran gets bounced out of a rally for exercising her free speech it’s a clear sign - the left has gone too far. When the ADL claims that those who support enforcement of the laws regarding immigration are bigots from the KKK - the left has gone too far. People, this stuff is a homerun for us and I want to know what the Massachusetts Republican Party’s response to it is.
It's this sort of stuff that should really make every citizen worry. Not only that, but read
the story about the incident. Nice job on the part of the journalist to make sure he linked the lady protesting law breakers being given rights that normal, law abiding citizens do not have, with White Supremacists. Classy.
This case, perhaps more than any other story that's hit the mainstream media, screams to us why the anchor baby law needs to be done away with. I would love to take every immigrant into this country so long as they were willing to tow their weight by paying taxes. However, that's quite clearly not reality. Illegal Immigrants use our schools but don't pay for them. They use our health care system but don't pay for it. In some places they are issued Driver's Licenses they don't pay for as well. What this case says is that now, by virtue of merely being a parent, you can't be arrested for a crime nor deported. All anyone is asking of illegals is to obey the law. Fill out the papers, submit the application, do the oath thingy, get a green card even. Nothing more, nothing less. Make some sort of effort to not completely leach off the system.
These raids and the subsequent labotomy that followed it may be the best example yet of political leftism gone completely insane. Democrats, especially here, will
never do a thing about illegal immigration because they see these folks, as they do felons and other law breakers, as potential votes. To them, they're just more pigs who can pull levers. They'll race bait, turn in anyone who asks them to do their fair share into bigots or racists, all in the name of making sure these folks show up to the polls and crank the level next to the guy with a "D" next to his or her name. That's the name of the game and boy oh boy is it easy to do, especially in Massachusetts!
What disturbs me more than anything, aside from the political posturnig, is the utter selfish nature of advocates of illegal immigrants. Supporting illegals has absolutely
nothing to do with winning 'equal rights' for other people,
nothing to do with doing the right thing. It's about self-righteous people bowing down to the temple of themselves. It's egotism run amock.
Illegal Immigration supporters support illegal immigration because makes them feel
smarter. It makes them feel more
enlightened, progressive, and all other self-loving adjectives one can think of. It's about me, myself and I. They find the one semi-good or 'resembling good' thing they can find in a cesspool, champion it and put it on display as if that was reality. They've put these people on display as model parents, just looking to make an honest living, except of course, no one's really being honest here.
Just as was the case in this situation, it doesn't take long to find these examples of the exception becoming the rule all over the place in lib-land. I was in the movie theatre a few weeks ago and walked past a sign for an upcoming movie called "The Good Nazi". They frequently champion "moderate
Islamists" even though there just aren't that many, or at least a number that's large enough to be considered significant. They love to find the black sheep and parade it around in that fourth grade "I Told You So" sort of manner, almost
deifying it to the point where the exception becomes the rule. Ever hear "Not all Muslims are terrorists!"? Well, while that may mostly be true, but most folks that employ the tactics of terrorism are Muslims. Before long,
I'm sure we'll hear glowing tales of the 'nice' cereal killer. The left needs to
stop glorifying the exception to the rule and using them to create alternative realities that simply do not exist.
The next step is usually finding all the ways we're just like the
wackos, no matter how basic the highlighted human function may be. "They're parents like us", "They pee standing up like us", or my favorite; "They want the same things we do". Of course they want the same things we do. They just want them for free, just like me, but the difference is, I have to pay of course. If I don't, I go to jail. This isn't a country club or a vacation spa where I, the citizen, provide multiple services for our 'guests' to take advantage of. If this is the case, then I want someone who lives here on
Longmeadow Street to pay for my kid's college education. Why? Because I'm just like him!
The point of that mini-tirade was to illustrate how the left goes about transforming the bad guy into the good guy. It's being different just because it's cool to be different I guess. Now, here in Massachusetts, Illegal Immigrants are being transformed into the good guys, and this case, more particularly this story, illustrates that as well as anything.
We are the bad guys. It's that superficial self loathing that makes a lefties and immigration advocates feel enlightened and brilliant. You know politics and public discourse has been bastardized when issues become an opportunity, not to discuss differences of opinion, but a chance to whip your pants down and masturbate to the greatness of yourself. That, my friends, is the issue behind illegal immigration for it's supporters. Not the tax payers, not paying your way (which is an entirely liberal concept), not any of that. It's about self-worship and a large group of human beings who never graduated from the anal phase of childhood development, loving themselves in only a way that people who never graduated from the anal phase of childhood development could.
Get the helmets kids, it's going to be a bumpy eternity.