Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Shut Up Imus, Shut Up Poverty Pimps

Please, Don Imus, stop the groveling. You said a stupid thing, you apologized. Move on. Tell Al Sharpton you'll listen to him sermonize about bigotry when he apologizes for the Tawana Brawley incident. That was more racist than anything you said, and here he is giving us a lecture on bigotry? Please, give me a break. He and Jesse Jackson, who is also pretending to be above it all and shocked, SHOCKED! are from the same mold.

Poverty pimps.

Nappy-headed ho's, not to put too fine a point on it. Sharpton claims that we shouldn't just let this drop. Well, I think he should be in jail for ruining the lives of innocent men in order to get some camera time. Imus shouldn't have went on his radio show. Incidents like this are what pimps like Sharpton feed on, and he's not going to let it go as long as it keeps his name in the papers.

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