Thursday, January 4, 2007

Kennedy Fried Insurgency

For people like me, who takes extreme joy in making fun of the stupidity and intellectual shortcomings of others to the point that I made a web page so I could do so all the time in a very public way, *dramatic pause* this takes the taco, kids.

According to the Springfield Republican... ah Jesus, just read it here...

For those of you who want to avoid the research, I'll give you the short and skinny. Once upon a time there was a fried chicken joint that liked to stay open late and serve it's product to patrons despite not having a permit to do so. One day, a bunch of angry men entered the restaurant and opened fire on each other, killing one, injuring another.

Somehow the clowns at City Hall aren't blaming, you know.. the guilty parties, they're blaming the inanimate objects in the incident for the shooting. Apparently there have been a TON of calls to this particular establishment in the 2 1/2 years it's been operating.

City Councilor and resident Genius Timothy Rooke said the restaurant, not taxpayers, should shoulder the cost. "I think Mayor Ryan should send them (the restaurant owners) a bill," said Rooke, who said after-hours restaurants in the nightclub district were a magnet for troublemakers.

Uh, Tim... that housing project you voted in favor of on Worthington Street (the Entertainment District), probably doesn't help things either. You're hardly a reliable source on what is and what isn't a magnet for trouble makers. Seeing as the only thing Springfield Residents have to get excited about anymore is getting smashed on Worthington Street, the last thing I'd recommend doing is taking away the happy juice that likely contributes to the level of stupidity it takes to repeatedly vote for you and your fellow droolers on the city council.

The simple fact of the matter is that this is yet another example that points to the fact that the Springfield City Government STILL can't tie it's own shoes, let alone take responsibility for any old stupid thing it does. If the restaurant had been closed like it should have been, or had the city Police Department, in it's '143' trips to the establishment had checked for those permits, it's pretty likely that none of this would have happened in the first place.

Despite the delinquent fees owed to the Springfield Business District and operating without a license, I'm pretty darn sure no one who owns Kennedy Fried Chicken wanted there to be a shoot out in their dining area. I'm positive they didn't encourage it and would hope to the good lord on high that they didn't and don't condone it. When ramped up security becomes a requirement for a restaurant to stay open, we've crossed the line of dumb to flat out retarded. What were these guys supposed to do? Put a metal detector at the front door? Or maybe shoot BACK? Uh, kids, is the earth really flat?

It takes me back in time to the old 'suspended license' bills Linda Melconian and Steven Buoniconti filed a few years back, when Linda was embarrassing herself out of the State Senator and Bono was just another fart in the House. It's also known as the "if I could turn back time" defense.

Here's the back story. In West Springfield, a kid got hit by a car and subsequently was killed. He was riding his bike at night and the driver was driving with a suspended license. The police report supported and a judge upheld, that the driver didn't do anything wrong. The kid who was driving the bike basically was at fault because he was wearing all black clothes (stupid), wearing headphones (stupid-er), and was driving in the middle of the road (now, it's just natural selection).

Mommy did the Mommy thing and expressed her 'outrage' at the verdict. She said that since the guy shouldn't have been driving the car with the suspended license, it didn't matter that her incredibly stupid kid made a mistake. She insisted the accident wouldn't have happened had the driver 'respected' (yah, she said it) his suspended license. So she tried to push to get legislation passed on Beacon Hill that would claim anyone driving with a suspended licence would be deemed liable regardless of who's 'fault' the accident was.

Thank god for us on planet earth, the bill didn't go anywhere because even the Massachusetts Legislature isn't dumb enough to jail someone involved in an accident that wasn't their fault. Imagine the stupidity of you forgetting to send in your license information, some no talent @ss clown ramming into you from behind, he dies, and because he plowed into you, you're at fault because you never should have been there.

Really in the end, the onus lies on the City Government to do it's job. The cops could have checked for permits not only at the Main Street location, but in several other locations as well they've claimed to have been called to. In fact, they had 143 opportunities to check up on these things. Or better yet, Charlie and his army of idiots at city hall could have closed the restaurant down you know, when their license was SUSPENDED. Follow up, no?

So in the end, there's really no one to 'blame' per sae, other than the three clowns that decided to shoot up a restaurant on main street of all places over a spilled drink. What's almost as disturbing as the absolute lack of fear on the part of the violators, is the absolute refusal, yet again, on the part of the city government to take responsibility for failing the public once more.


jamal said...

the Republicans is a city owned paper. most of there info was incomplete about kennedy fried chicken.the city is embarressed, at whats happening at the city.And so they have to start blaming people, and take actions,it doesnt matter if the actions are stupid or not. At the board meeting about kennedys licenee renewle the city had their decision made already prior to listenig to kennedys lawyer or the cons or the compromises kennedys were willing to make about the time of operations.the decision was palinout stupid and discriminatory.who eats at the chiken joint?well mostly blacks and stays hungry when they close kenndys? They dont their niether do they like the lower class people who goes there.the police the commissioner the city hired is a waste of money and a pain in the @ss.He especially likes to blame people for what he cant control.he has to think if he cant control the crime with the entire force under him how are the kennedys or anybdy suppose to.

jamal said...

the Republicans is a city owned paper. most of there info was incomplete about kennedy fried chicken.the city is embarressed, at whats happening at the city.And so they have to start blaming people, and take actions,it doesnt matter if the actions are stupid or not. At the board meeting about kennedys licenee renewle the city had their decision made already prior to listenig to kennedys lawyer or the cons or the compromises kennedys were willing to make about the time of operations.the decision was palinout stupid and discriminatory.who eats at the chiken joint?well mostly blacks and stays hungry when they close kenndys? They dont their niether do they like the lower class people who goes there.the police the commissioner the city hired is a waste of money and a pain in the @ss.He especially likes to blame people for what he cant control.he has to think if he cant control the crime with the entire force under him how are the kennedys or anybdy suppose to.