Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Marge Eagan: Deval Patrick Showing True "Grit"

Is it utterly impossible for Democrats to look at their own and raise an eyebrow?

In the latest 'How Dare You' piece by a member of the liberal Boston media, Margery Eagan is quick to point out all the mean-face, Republican evil-doers who also apparently hot-dogged on the job in an attempt to justify Governor Deval's recent issues. This one though, took the taco:

Perhaps you have heard about Mitt and Ann Romney’s “my family is better than your family” presidential tour, where they go on about their perfect marriage, family, teeth, hair and home? It’s nauseating, really.

I’ll take grit over Mitt and Ann in Wonderland. Any day.

'Grit'? Sure. Nothing screams 'grit' like $72,000 a year salaries for Secretaries of non-public officials, flashy curtains, Cadillacs, or calls on fancy cell phones regarding favors for former employers. When I think of those things, I think of ripped blue jeans, beards and flannel shirts.

And yes, Large Marge, some people have families that aren't completely screwed up. Are you jealous or something?

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